We offer service and maintenance in warranty and post-warranty period for installation works carried out by INSTAL INSTALLATION SISTEME ANTIINCENDIU as well as for works performed by third parties based on a service contract.
This activity includes a wide range of services, namely:
- Fire protection installation maintenance
- Inspections to facilities and installations
- Trouble shooting and reinstatement of installations
- Technical Assistance
- Training for beneficiary maintenance personnel
- The main purpose of maintenance is to ensure proper operation at any time for the fire
- fighting equipment. This includes maintenance operations and of regular checks of fire
- protection equipments.
The services performed by INSTAL MONTAJ SOLUTII ANTIINCENDIU are:
- Maintenance services and regular checks for fire detection systems
- Maintenance services and regular checks for fire extinguishing systems with foam
- Maintenance services and regular checks for fire extinguishing systems with gas
- Regular checks for internal and external hydrants
- Regular checks for the earthing system
- Maintenance for extinguishers (Inspection, repair and loading for powder fire extinguishers, mechanical foam or CO2 extinguishers)
The works are performed in compliance technical standards in force and with all the demands required by ISU with our own personnel.
Upon request, depending on the complexity of the work, maintenance teams can assure a permanent program. The objective of these teams is to maintain installations at their optimum performance level throughout their lifespan.
Cigarettes de tigari JTI Romania (2007 – 2009)